[EN] Nico Elgstrand – Entombed A.D.

Nico / Entombed A.D. / WOA 2016

Next up I had the chance to interview Nico Elgstrand (Entombed A.D.). Ever since I heard their first album I have been a huge Entombed fan. I spent years and years trying to replicate their guitar sound on Left Hand Path and Clandestine. So of course we talked about the legendary distortion pedal that single-handedly defined an entire genre (Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal).

We also talked about his production philosophy in general.  I wasn’t even aware that he has produced several great metal albums. Bad preparation on my part :)

The conversation is featured in full length, uncut.

Thanks to Nico, Guilherme for their time and Entombed A.D. management for their support.


P.S.: Because Guilherme (the other guitar player / tour manager / whatelse?) “knew someone”, we got the chance to do the interview in the Gibson bus. Nice :) So thanks to Gibson as well for that.


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[EN] Chen Balbus – Orphaned Land

Chen Balbus / Orphaned Land / WOA 2016

On Friday I had the chance to interview Chen, who plays in the Oriental-Metal band Orphaned Land.

I first heard about them in the documentary “Global Metal” and have always loved their open approach — towards music AND people.

We talked about his sound philosophy, “unusual” instruments and the music scene and venues in Israel.

We left out the obvious topic, for which Chen was thankful in a way, because he gets of course asked questions about politics all the time.

The conversation is featured in full length and uncut (if you dont count a five second pause in which I looked at my notes)

Thanks to Chen and Tal and all of Orphaned Land management for their support.

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André Olbrich – Blind Guardian

André Olbrich / Blind Guardian / WOA 2016

André Olbrich / Blind Guardian / WOA 2016

Wacken Open Air. Der richtige Ort um ein paar Bands zu treffen. Dachte ich so.

Und dann das erste richtige Audiointerview ever – mit dem Gitarristen einer Band, die ich schon als Jugendlicher gefeiert habe.

Nur dass sie halt Headliner auf dem Wacken Open Air sind :) Am Anfang deshalb etwas holprig (meinerseits), danach wird’s besser. :)

André hat mir unter anderem erzählt wie man den Blind Guardian Sound auf die Bühne bringt, wie die Vorbereitungen ablaufen, was Welttourneen so teilweise an Überraschungen bereit halten und auch sonst noch so einiges über sein Gitarren-Setup etc.

Das Gespräch ist komplett und ungeschnitten.


Danke an André und Markus von Nuclear Blast für Ihre Zeit und Mühe!